
Understanding The Palm Sunday🌿🫏✨✝️

HOSANNA, is a Hebrew compound word “HOSIA NA”, HOSIA literally means Save, while NA literally means Pray, especially a prayer for God to deliver the people from their enemies and bless them”. It was used in the Bible as shout of praise and adoration to God, especially during the times of celebration and victory.
Particularly In the Book of Zechariah 9:9, Palm Sunday can be clearly seen to be an Ancient Jewish Tradition. This Biblical passage predicted that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Of course, it was a PROPHECY.
Now, for that Prophecy to be fulfilled, JESUS, had to present Himself as the long-awaited Messiah to the Jewish people that prophet Zechariah was talking about.

In the Biblical era, the Pharisees expectation of the Messiah is that He’s to be a military conqueror capable of delivering the Jewish people from the oppression of Roman rulers.
Jesus proved them wrong that the Messiah can be All-powerful and at the same time becoming so humble. You can reference this statement in Philippians 2:6-7. That’s why the imagery of the donkey symbolized humility and peace, contrasting to the imagery of a conquering King riding on a horse.
The significance of Palm branches in the Triumpal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is associated with victory, triumph and celebration. These Palm branches are often used to welcome victorious leaders and kings returning from a battle or on special occasions. The use of Palm branches is a both historical and religious significance, that displays Jesus Identity as the Triumphant King and Saviour in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.
Sadly, exactly 6 days later of this Triumphal entry, came disappointment and betrayal, leading to His crucifixion on Good Friday.

Palm Sunday, till the Second Coming, serves as a reminder of Jesus mission and hope of salvation He brought to humanity in His First Coming. The next time He comes, He’s no longer going to ride on a donkey, as a gentleman, but on a horse, as a Fierce Warrior.

Do experience a Happy Palm Sunday today and a Holy Week in advance.

©️ Adefemi Olajide.


It’s World’s Tuberculosis Day

©️Adefemi Olajide

Christian Inspirational SELF-REFLECTION

Remember This Before Removing The Speck From Others Eyes:


In the midst of our daily interactions, it’s often easier to perceive the faults and shortcomings of others than to acknowledge our own. This tendency to point out the flaws in others while neglecting our own imperfections is a common human trait—one that has been addressed through parables, teachings, and philosophies throughout history. One such timeless lesson can be found in the biblical metaphor of removing the speck from another’s eye while ignoring the log in our own.
The essence of this teaching lies in the recognition of our inherent biases and the importance of self-reflection. It urges us to pause and consider our own actions and attitudes before hastily criticizing others. After all, how can we effectively help someone else with their minor flaw when we ourselves are burdened by a greater fault?

This principle extends beyond its religious origins and resonates with people from all walks of life, regardless of faith or belief system. It speaks to the universal truth that humility and self-awareness are essential components of personal growth and meaningful relationships.
In our fast-paced world, where judgment and criticism often overshadow understanding and empathy, the message of removing the log from our own eyes before attempting to address the speck in another’s serves as a poignant reminder of our shared humanity. It encourages us to approach others with compassion and empathy, recognizing that we are all flawed individuals striving to navigate life’s challenges.
Moreover, embracing this mindset fosters a culture of accountability and mutual respect. By acknowledging and addressing our own shortcomings, we set an example for others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of positive change in our communities and beyond.

In practical terms, embodying this principle requires conscious effort and introspection. It involves cultivating a habit of self-assessment and being willing to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves. It means prioritizing empathy over judgment and seeking to understand before rushing into conclusion.
Furthermore, this principle challenges us to examine the motives behind our desire to point out the flaws in others. Are we genuinely concerned for their well-being, or are our criticisms rooted in pride, jealousy, or a desire to exert control? By honestly evaluating our intentions, we can ensure that our actions are driven by compassion rather than ego.
In interpersonal relationships, applying this teaching can lead to deeper connections and greater understanding. Instead of jumping to conclusions or passing judgment, we approach conflicts with humility and a willingness to listen. This opens the door to constructive dialogue and the opportunity for mutual growth.

Moreover, removing the log from our own eyes fosters a sense of accountability and integrity. When we take ownership of our mistakes and strive to rectify them, we demonstrate integrity and earn the trust and respect of those around us. This builds stronger, more resilient relationships built on a foundation of honesty and authenticity.
In the broader context of societal issues, embracing this principle can lead to profound social change. By acknowledging our own biases and privileges, we become better equipped to address systemic injustices and advocate for equality and justice for all. It prompts us to confront uncomfortable truths about systemic oppression and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society.
In essence, the lesson of removing the speck from another’s eye while removing the log from our own serves as a guiding principle for navigating the complexities of human interaction. It challenges us to cultivate humility, empathy, and self-awareness in our daily lives, fostering deeper connections, promoting accountability, and driving positive change in ourselves and the world around us.
As we strive to embody this timeless wisdom, may we approach each day with an open heart and a willingness to confront our own shortcomings, knowing that true growth and transformation begin from within.

Ultimately, by heeding the wisdom of “removing the speck from his eyes, remove the log from your eyes too,” we not only become better individuals but also contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious society. It is a timeless lesson that reminds us of the power of humility, empathy, and self-awareness in our journey towards personal and collective growth.
Everyone has one or more skeletons (un-nice secrets) in their respective cupboards, your own not being publicly displayed doesn’t make you righteous. Because counting other people’s sin or mistakes will never minimize your own sin and mistakes. Don’t be that Hypocrite that puts the Bible under their armpits to show Saint, but not putting the putting the Bible in the heart.

Please feel free to drop your questions or your own contribution on this topic in the comment box.
Thank you.

©️Adefemi Olajide E

Health and Fitness

World Glaucoma Week 👁️

Glaucoma: The Silent Thief of Sight
Glaucoma, often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, leading to irreversible vision loss if left untreated. This essay aims to explore the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies for glaucoma.

Causes and Types:
Glaucoma typically occurs when there is an increase in intraocular pressure (pressure inside the eye), which damages the optic nerve. However, it can also develop with normal or low intraocular pressure, known as normal-tension or low-tension glaucoma. The main types of glaucoma include:
Open-angle glaucoma: This is the most common type, characterized by a gradual increase in intraocular pressure due to the slow clogging of drainage canals in the eye.

Angle-closure glaucoma: This occurs when the drainage angle of the eye becomes blocked suddenly, leading to a rapid increase in intraocular pressure.
Normal-tension glaucoma: In this type, optic nerve damage occurs despite normal intraocular pressure.

One of the most challenging aspects of glaucoma is its asymptomatic nature in the early stages. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience:
Gradual loss of peripheral vision
Tunnel vision in advanced stages
Blurred vision
Halos around lights
Severe eye pain
Nausea and vomiting (in cases of acute angle-closure glaucoma)

Regular eye examinations, including tonometry to measure intraocular pressure, visual field testing, and examination of the optic nerve, are crucial for early detection of glaucoma. Additionally, imaging tests such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) can provide detailed images of the optic nerve and help monitor disease progression.

Although there is no cure for glaucoma, treatment aims to reduce intraocular pressure to slow down or halt further damage to the optic nerve. Treatment options include:
Eye drops: These medications help decrease intraocular pressure by either reducing the production of aqueous humor or increasing its drainage from the eye.
Oral medications: In some cases, oral medications may be prescribed to lower intraocular pressure.
Laser therapy: Procedures such as laser trabeculoplasty or iridotomy can improve the drainage of fluid from the eye.
Surgery: In advanced cases or when other treatments are ineffective, surgical interventions like trabeculectomy or drainage implants may be necessary to lower intraocular pressure.

While glaucoma cannot always be prevented, certain lifestyle choices and habits can help reduce the risk of developing the condition:
Regular eye exams: Routine eye examinations are essential, especially for individuals over the age of 40 or those with a family history of glaucoma.
Healthy lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a balanced diet can contribute to overall eye health.
Protective eyewear: Wearing protective eyewear when engaging in activities that pose a risk of eye injury can help prevent damage to the optic nerve.
In conclusion, glaucoma is a serious eye condition that requires early detection and appropriate management to prevent irreversible vision loss. By raising awareness, promoting regular eye examinations, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits, individuals can take proactive steps to safeguard their vision against the silent thief of sight.

©️ Adefemi Olajide

Biblical Theology

Quick Facts about Seraphim, Thrones and Cherubim That Will Wow You!

🪽What is a SERAPH?
SERAPHIM the plural form for a certain high class of angelic/celestial beings; Seraph(singular). In Hebrew, Sarap is the Generic name, which gives rise to the common name:
Fiery One/Burning One/Flaming One/Purifying One.

🪽What Do They Look Like?
Extracting my knowledge from Isaiah 6:1-3,
They typically have SIX Wings; because they are the most proximal creature to God’s Throne, they receive a huge blast or dose of God’s brightness. So that’s why the first pair of wings is for covering their face from the eternal beauty, glory and radiance of the Almighty. They also do this as an act of humility before God in awe. The second pair is for flight and the third to cover their feet.

🪽What Are Their Roles/Duties?
Their role is to observe if they’ll find at least any sin, blemish, mistake or impurity in God’s being and consciousness, but since the moment of their creation and even in eternity to come, they won’t find any iota of sin in God, so for this reason, in awe, in shock and in wonder, they have kept and will keep on shouting “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” forever and ever! (Isaiah 6:3)
🪽What is a Throne?
THRONES, the plural form of a certain class of angelic/celestial beings; In Hebrew, Ophanim (plural), Ophan(singular) is the Generic name, which gives rise to the common name; Wheels or Discs.

🪽What Do They Look Like?
Well, they appear to arguably be seen in the book of Ezekiel. They face the directions of the Cherubim.
They are sparkling, having the morphology of large round wheel intersecting another wheels with four wide rims full of eyes around them. We can see that in Chapter 1 of verse 15-18 and Chapter 10 of verse 1-2 and verse 9-13 in the Book of Ezekiel.
However, in Colossians 1:16 it was stated that Christ was the Creator of everything inside and outside the Universe. The word “THRONES” appears to be there, but some Theologians believe this to be interpreted as probably a celestial authority or position or just angelic beings like Ophanim(Wheels). There’s no Biblical description that says it has wings.

🪽What Are Their Roles/Duties?
In form and function, the Ophanim in Ezekiel’s vision reveals God’s supreme reign over the entire universe. The multidirectional wheels themselves remind us that we serve a God who is omnipresent; able to be in all places at all times and see things at all times.
What is a CHERUB?
CHERUBIM the plural form for a certain high class of angelic/celestial beings; Cherub (Singular). In Hebrew, Keruvim is the Generic name, which gives rise to the common name: Guardian/Defender/Protector.

What Do They Look Like?
Surfing through Books like Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Psalm and to mention a few. But Cherubim was vividly described in the Book of Ezekiel and Revelation.
They have Four faces; the first face is that of a singular term CHERUB, the second is that of a MAN, the third is that of a LION and the fourth is that of an EAGLE.

What Are Their Roles/Duties?
Like I said earlier in the introduction, they are Protective agents. God put them in charge to defend or prevent our Primitive Parents (Adam and Eve) from accessing the Tree Of Life. Aside that, they are always at alert to filter or eliminate agents that want to by any chance make effort to oppose or contaminate the Throne Of God. Cherubim are also Throne Bearers Of Yahweh by serving God’s divine Will and executing the divine duties on earth. Carved sculpture of two Cherubim are placed facing each other on the Ark Of Covenant depicting God’s Ark Of Mercy and Judgement.

P.S: The Four Living Creature, as Revelation describes, is a special type of Cherub, but of different order or rank meant for a specific purpose that is already stated in Chapter 4 of verse 8 “TO WORSHIP AND PRAISE GOD ETERNALLY!”
The entire body of the Four Living Creature is covered with eyes, and even under it six wings. Yeah, what a Special Cherub indeed.

Please, feel free to contribute by sharing your thoughts. I’d glad to receive them too.🤩

©️ Adefemi Olajide Emmanuel


Congratulations to me!

I’m getting to the PhD Level in Theology.

Congratulations, Deacon Adefemi Olajide Emmanuel🤩🤝




What Make Bubble Pop?

🫧For generations, bubbles have sparked the curiosity and imagination of children and adults alike. It’s why bath time mascot Mr. Bubble has been a sudsy family favorite since 1961 — people love bubbles. They love to blow them, pop them and fit inside them. Bubbles aren’t just for entertainment; they are the crisp effervescence in our sodas and sparkling water, and some doctors are even using microscopic bubbles to deliver medicine more effectively. Whether for entertainment or scientific study, scientists have been turning their attention to why bubbles pop.

🫧For many years, it was believed that bubbles popped because of gravity. When a hole is poked in a bubble, the hole expands over time, and the bubble collapses. Because the hole wasn’t growing as fast as the bubble was shrinking, scientists chalked it up to gravity.


Mary Had Little Lamb Was A Real Life Story.



Inspired by The Revealer ©️ Adefemi Olajide Hi, I Adefemi Olajide. I’m a Certified Medical Lab Scientist || Spoken Word Artist || Writer/Poet || Author || Inspirational Speaker || Blogger || RCCG Ordained Deacon. Just to mention a few.I happen to have passion in dragging men away from the pit of Hell and drawing them […]


I Became A Certified Medical Laboratory Scientist Today!


Did You Know?

After A Complete & Consecutive 365 days. Wisdom, Ending?

“You see, the WISDOM of God is like food that can be served in different forms or flavour. You don’t know which form or angle it may surmount in the advantage to reveal, to judge or to solve daily situations. Howbeit, hunger to eat WISDOM each and everyday of your life. It’s like an ocean, that has no endpoint. Selah!”

Proverbs 4:7

Peace Out🕊️


Did You Know?

God Approves That You Wish Your Leader Well.

“Irrespective of who becomes the leader of your Nation, always thank God for his life, keep on interceding for him in prayers because these are the secrets to having a peaceful, blessed and quiet Nation.”

1 Timothy 2:1-3


Did You Know?

“As you’re busy praying for a good ruler for your Nation, also pray that God should give him good advisors, so that all his good efforts will not be like a man pouring good wine into a basket.”

Proverbs 11:14


Did You Know?

There’s Still Much Hope For Your Nation

“There was a particular era in the Bible where people had to cook and eat their own children as food due to a great famine. So, wherever you are, just give thanks to God irrespective of the current hardship going on in your Nation.”

2 Kings 6:24-33


The Eternal Headache Vs The Eternal Leg Pain

Adam’s offsprings were cursed or should I say programmed to CRUSH Satan’s head; That’s a HEADACHE. In the same vein, Satan being programmed to STRIKE THE HEELS OF ADAM’S OFFSPRINGS; That’s a LEG PAIN.
Come and let us reason this together. Which one inflicts more painful than the other and which of them can you manage to survive with even after being inflicted with severe case of toxicity or infection.


I, as a Medical personnel, wouldn’t want to go deep into explaining which one is more painful than the other, how and why?
Howbeit, there’s still some unpuzzling it.

Take for instance of a case where a leg is bitten by a venomous snake and the circulation of venom comes with intense speed, that leg should be cut off, and you may still survive. But one thing is very sure, like my Mom used to tell me, even till now, that; “No matter the headache one can ever have, cutting off or chopping that head to relieve the ache isn’t an alternative at all.”

Probably, we all are aligned to the same answer that you can get your leg crushed or chopped off and still survive, but you can never survive if it, if your head is crushed or chopped off, right?
Let’s now swim into small details by diving Scripturally.

According to Genesis Chapter 3, Adam and Eve were the first to disobey God, by doing so, they signed a death warrant, their death certificates were already issued to them even before they died the physical death.
Man was programmed to live for all of eternity. But the moment Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit, which was toxic to their system. They began to began to have Spiritual Severe Haemorrhage and this bleeding was continuous and we know that if there’s shortage of blood in the system, proportionally speaking, that life will also be cut short. For the life of living being is inside the blood. There’s more to this story, but here is a succinct detail of the First Adam and his curse. Even till today, the serpent is still ever ready and relentless in striking men’s heel in order to inflict many more pain, injuries and ensuring that man continually bleed.

In Galatians 3:13-14, a Second Adam came. He was a Superhero. He came to carry our programmed curse, because anyone hanged on the Cross is already cursed. He came originally as a Doctor Of Blood Transfusion, through His Crucifixion. This Second Adam from the offspring of David, went to the Cross, so that the sharp fangs of the serpent will inflict, strike and pierce His Heels thereby causing Him to bleeding. Satan was happy thinking that’s going to be the end, but little did he know that The Second Adam was using that piercing to donate His own blood for humanity. That BY HIS PIERCING WE ARE HEALED (Isaiah 53:5).

This blood was shed to mix with our own in order to cause coagulation to occur, thereby stopping the long-term bleeding in man and increasing man’s lifespan capable of making him dwell for the rest of eternity, because the blood of Jesus that gives eternal life is already incorporated inside. The danger of this donation is that if you’re not born of Him, The Second Adam you cannot gain to blood compatibility with Him the Donor, you’ll be deprived of getting a blood transfusion from Him, otherwise His precious and Holy blood will cause agglutination in your body, meaning His blood will work against you.
Why not gain blood compatibility with Him today?

If you choose not to accept Jesus Christ the Second Adam into your life as your Personal Lord and Savior, it means that you’re enjoying the way the devil is inflicting you with ETERNAL LEG PAIN making you paralyzed not to run the race that is Heavenly.

Moreover, the only people protected against the evil and strikes of Satan are those who are born of Him, those who have covered their body with the Whole Armour Of The Christ. The weapon very particular to this topic is in Ephesians 6:15, NLT: For SHOES, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. You constantly need to wear the shoes for your protection, to use it to proclaim everywhere about the One who gave you His blood and also to using it to trample upon Satan to give him an ETERNAL HEADACHE.

©️ Adefemi Olajide


Did You Know?

Don’t Just Only Know The Truth, Act It Also!

“Many citizens in a Nation will continue to be in a state of bondage, if they know the truth, but still fail to vote in the right persons to rule over them.”

John 8:32


Did You Know?

Have You Prayed For Your Nation Today?

“One of the reasons why your Nation is experiencing many unpleasant conditions, is simply because you’ve not chosen to prioritize praying for the peace of your Nation.”

Psalms 122:6


Did You Know?

“Your Christian life, is like a car. The engine that will make you function to move forward is PRAYER, but the head lamps for your vision and the steering wheel for your direction, is in His WORD”

Psalms 119:105


Did You Know?

“No evil handwriting can withstand the Erasing power in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.”

Hebrews 2:14-15


Did You Know?

“No evil handwriting can withstand the Erasing power in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.”

Hebrews 2:14-15


Did You Know?

“If the devil cannot make you bad, don’t worry, he’ll find diverse ways to make you very busy to praying and studying your Bible. And overall, takes you on a long vacation away from your secret place.”

Ephesians 6:10-13


Did You Know?

“If the devil cannot make you bad, don’t worry, he’ll find diverse ways to make you very busy to praying and studying your Bible. And overall, takes you on a long vacation away from your secret place.”

Ephesians 6:10-13


Did You Know?

“When a husband has an undying love for Christ, Christ will bestow upon that man, an undying love for his wife. And when a wife has an obedient heart to Christ, He’ll shower upon that woman with absolute submissiveness to her husband”

Ephesians 5:22-25&33


Did You Know?

Does True Love Even Exists?

“True love, is when a DIVINITY gives out His life for the whole of HUMANITY. That is why the original symbol of love is never this “❤️”, but this “✝️”

John 15:3


Did You Know?

You cannot continue to be swimming in IMMORALITY and still expect yourself to be flying in IMMORTALITY. You cannot continue to toil with LUST and still expect your glory not to be LOST. Deviate from that INIQUITY, so that you won’t end up in eternal CAPTIVITY.”

Romans 3:23


Did You Know?

“A Church that ignores sins and repentance, is the entrance to Hell.”

Revelation 2&3


Did You Know?

“A Church that ignores sins and repentance, is the entrance to Hell.”

Revelation 2&3


Did You Know?

“There was a time when people used to go Church to hear the truth and wept bitterly over their sins. But today, people love to go to church to hear motivational speeches that will make them encouraged to ignore their sins.”

2 Timothy 3:1-5


Did You Know?

“The ultimate and the most effective solution over National Crises, is for that Nation to humbly come together to drive forward in praying to God, reversing to seek God’s face and U-Turning from their sinful ways.”

2 Chronicles 7:14


Did You Know?

“The bad news spreading across the nation can never cause unnecessary high blood pressure to the righteous people.”

Psalm 112:6-8


Did You Know?

Can God Trust The Way You Use Your Brain?

“You can be given a device/machine and still not know how to use it well. God gave us magnificent brain, but He still wants us to use it to be able to choose the right leaders well and wisely.”

Deuteronomy 1:13


Did You Know?

“This is not the time to criticize other people or other political parties. You just do what is right, as a good citizen of your own country.”

Titus 3:1-11


Did You Know?

Vote To Make Things Better & Not Bitter!

“When you vote the right person into power, the whole Nation will be BUTTERED. But when you vote the wrong person into power, the whole Nation will be BITTERED”

Proverbs 29:2


Did You Know?

“In the Bible, there’s nothing like White Church, Red Church, Yellow Church, or Black Church. Jesus didn’t come to save SKINS. But to save SOULS.”

1 John 2:2


Did You Know?

You Voting Or Not Will COUNT, Because You’ll Still Give ACCOUNT

“Whether, you voted wisely or not, or whether you’ve chosen not to vote at all, you’ll still stand before your Maker to give account for your choice of action or inaction, on the Judgement Day. Nevertheless, you’ll be on the safer side, if you’d done the right thing.”

2 Corinthians 5:10


Did You Know?

“Changing a nation doesn’t start with the President. Changing a nation starts with the Church.”

1 Timothy 2:1-4


Did You Know?

“Christ is not a member of any political party. He stands outside of and above every other party. For His Kingdom is not of this world. That’s why it is very possible for you to be a School owner, and choose NOT to be involved in teaching in that school at all. “

John 18:36


Did You Know?

You Were Created For His Pleasure

“God created man for several reasons. But the most essential and the main reason why God created man including every creatures, both in Heaven, on land, underground, beneath the sea and all things you can think of in the entire universe is just to GIVE HIM PLEASURE. And this pleasure, is in form of Glory, Honour & Power!

Revelation 4:11


Did You Know?

“Archangels, Angels, Cherubims, Seraphims, 24 Elders were all created for just one major purpose; TO WORSHIP only GOD endlessly. But it doesn’t make any sense at all when humans made from DUST still feel too big to also WORSHIP God.”

Revelation 4:8-10


Did You Know?

“If you fight a battle without God, you’ll definitely lose or be beaten beyond recognition. If you ask God to give you the best strength, skills, tactics/formation to win the battle, you’ll definitely win, but may end up conceding goals/scars from your opponent. But if you allow God to fight the battle or play the match for you, He’ll surely win with a huge margin and also a cleansheet, and handover the victory or solid points to you”

Exodus 14:14-31


Did You Know?

“The devil doesn’t care if you listen to good sermons or not, he doesn’t care if you read your Bible or not, he’s not interested in if you go to church or not, for as long as you don’t apply them into your life, he is very much satisfied with it like that.”

James 1:22


Did You Know?

“Worship is not only that 20 minutes period during a church service; Worship, is originally meant to be a lifestyle.”

John 4:23-24


Did You Know?

“A prison with Christ is a Heaven. But a palace without Christ is a hell”

Romans 6:23


Did You Know?⁰

“Always endeavour to give thanks to God in every SITUATION. be it in JUBILATION or in TRIBULATION”

1 Thessalonians 5:18


Did You Know?

“When spending time with God becomes OPTIONAL, that’s when you begin to experience a life that is COMMOTIONAL.”

James 4:8


Did You Know?

“Every man drives through the road of temptation daily. The devil is relentlessly selling sin in wholesales and retails by the roadside. The devil can’t force you to come down and buy his product called SIN. Otherwise, you would be pissed and probably drive off. The devil is only a MARKETER. You either choose to PATRONIZE him or DRIVE OFF with speed, from what he’s SELLING.”

Genesis 3:1-7


Did You Know?

“If you’re lNTIMATE with God, you can never be INTIMIDATED by men”

Numbers 14:9


Did You Know?

It is better to hear the Pastor preach on your sins in this life, than to hear Jesus say, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKER OF INIQUITY FOR I KNOW YOU NOT! in the afterlife.

Matthew 7:23


Did you know

🙇🏽 _*WISDOM*_🙇🏽

_”In your attempt to help people, you might end up getting insulted. They did much more to Jesus.”_

_*Mark 3:1-7*_


Did you know

🙇🏽 _*WISDOM*_🙇🏽

_”In your attempt to help people, you might end up getting insulted. They did much more to Jesus.”_

_*Mark 3:1-7*_


Did You Know?

“Anytime you’re feeling that God has forgotten you. Remember that God has a schedule that you cannot see.”

2 Peter 3:9



“Anytime you’re feeling that God has forgotten you. Remember that God has a schedule that you cannot see.”

2 Peter 3:9


Did !!_WISDOM*_🙇🏽It_”If you’re lNTIM pp 00 ppATED* with God, you cannot be *INTIMIDATED* by men”__*Numbers 14:9*_


Did You Know?


Did You Know?

“Once you reach a certain age in your life, it is inevitable that you begin to permanently get unimpressed by a lot of earthly things.”

Ecclesiastes 1:14


Did You Know?

“When Jesus have your BACK, you can never have any cause to LACK”

Psalm 23:1


Did You Know?

“No matter the concentration of evil and wickedness. They’ll still be dissociated by the good and the righteous”

Proverbs 14:19


Did You Know?

God Is The Greatest


Did You know m@


Did You Know?

“Love is better expressed not only in words, but also in our true actions and without pretence.”

1 John 3:18


Did You Know?

“God’s mercy is like a data bundle subscription. It is not permanent or fixed unto a particular man. That’s why each day of your life, you should always pray for a rollover or renewal of this mercy.”

Lamentations 3:23


Did You Know?

“The grace of Christ is not for us to be FREE TO SIN. But for us to be FREE FROM SIN”

Galatians 3:13


Did You Know?

“Laziness is a magnet that attracts poverty to a man”

Proverbs 6:10-11


Did You Know?

Why Are You Offended When His Word Reaches You?

“Every sermon or preaching aren’t always for everyone. But for someone; and when they reach that someone, it is God who receives the glory alone.”

Isaiah 61:3


Did You Know?

Do You Stop Breathing Even When You Are Tired Of Doing It?*

“Prayerlessness starts when you base your prayer life according to your feelings. Pray even when you don’t even feel like praying.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17


Did You Know?

Still Using Old & Rusted Tools For This New Year?

“It’s such a great pity, that the only thing some people changed this year is their CALENDAR. This year, you can’t continue to use the same old habits to get new results. What is even good about you shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR!, when there’s nothing NEW TO BE HAPPY for the YEAR?

Proverbs 1:5


Did You Know?

Finding Jesus Is A Sign You’ve Wisdom

“If wise men could seek to find Jesus and worship Him 2,000 years ago. Then what is still stopping you to search and worship Him?

Matthew 2:7-11


Did You Know?

“A church filled with noisy children that can praise God, is better than silent adults who feel too big to praise God.”

Psalm 100:1-5


Did You Know?

“Of all the several idols, man still finds himself the hardest to abandon”

Psalm 118:8


Did You Know?

Take Note

“One of the silliest mistakes you should never try to make this
year is for you to thank God for only the sweet, good and rosy days. When you thank God for what He has done, what He’s doing and what He’ll do, it also includes the bitter, bad and thorny days. When you thank God for the favourable days alone this year, you make Him blush and get goosebumps, but when you thank Him for the unfavorable days also, you make the blushing and goosebumps last longer.”

1 Thessalonians 5:18


Did You Know?

Investment Leads To Greater Achievement

“Save and Invest in yourself in the youthful days of this year with God first, as several great opportunities will come than any other days. Invest in your time, your knowledge battery, your finance battery, your spiritual battery, and waterview, because unpleasant moments will come when you’ll not really have that ability to utilize some certain opportunity. It is that lamp or battery you’ve filled or charged, that will keep you going forward.”

Ecclesiastes 12:1


Did You Know?

Sowing Time!
“The soil of this year is still much fresh. You have polar choices to make. It’s either you sow good or bad, it’s either you save/invest money or you spend it lavishly. The choice is yours to make. When it’s time for havesting, don’t be amazed at all. Whatever you garbage in, is directly proportional to that which you’ll garbage out.”

Galatians 6:7-8


Did You Know?

“If you choose to follow God’s commandments in TWENTY TWENTY-THREE, there’s no way your life won’t be like a FRUITFUL TREE”

Deuteronomy 28:1-13


Did You Know?

The Earth Experienced A Revolution, You Need To Experience A Revelation

“A New Year RESOLUTION typically last for few weeks. But what will keep a man transformed, is in a New Year REVELATION. Because what God shows to a man will always be far meaningful that what life will show him.”

Habakkuk 2:2-3


Did You Know?

There’s No Much Time!

“A new year is like a lighted match stick. Make sure you use every burning moment well and quickly before it finally burns out completely.”
Happy New Year.

Ecclesiastes 1:3-16


Welcome To 2023

Lord, I’m grateful.


Did You Know?

🙇🏽 _*WISDOM*_🙇🏽
_*God Made You See The End Of A Year*_
_”God hates it when your *ATTITUDE* doesn’t show *GRATITUDE*. If all you can do to God is nothing but to complain and *MURMUR*, if you’re not careful your name will be heard *NO MORE.*”_

_*Hosea 2:8-17*_


Did You Know?

“The first ever person on earth to recognize Jesus, was an unborn child and his name was John The Baptist”

Luke 1:39-45


Did You Know?

Love Is The Graveyard That Buries Sin
“It was love that blindfolded God from seeing the gravity of sin existing in mankind, that’s why God gave us His Only Begotten Son as an OFFERING, so that mankind will not experience eternal SUFFERING”

1 Peter 4:8


Did You Know?

Even The Saviour At One Point Needed To Be Saved.*_
_”The similarity between Jesus and Moses was that; both of them were born to save and deliver their people. But the Kings ruling them respectively wanted them dead. But thanks to their parents that changed the whole story.”

Exodus 1:15-22, Exodus 2:1-3 & Matthew 2:13-23


Did You Know?

“The major reason Jesus was born was to take the TREE OF DEATH, so that you can take the TREE OF LIFE”

Galatians 3:13


Did You Know?

Happy Boxing Day
Even if you’ve been a devil of stinginess, a demon of uncaring heart, from the beginning of this year. While you’re still LIVING, try to be LOVING, by being an angel of GIVING, before this year runs out!
Remember, God Boxed His Gift (Jesus) down to earth, why not also box someone’s life with a gift?

Proverbs 18:16


Did You Know?

Merry Christmas🎄🎉

“A C hild H as been bo R n for us. A son is g I ven to u S. Authori T y rest upon hi M; and he is n A med Je S us.” And there we have it;
C H R I S T M A S🎄🎁

Isaiah 9:6


Did You Know?

Set Your Priorities Accordingly

“Cancelling church to celebrate Christmas, is like avoiding your wife to celebrate your wedding anniversary”

Hebrews 10:25


Did You Know?

Jesus Is Still The Reason For The Season

“Christmas is not all about partying, merrying and sharing of gifts. Christmas is also an appreciative reminder to God for giving us a DIVINITY that died for HUMANITY, so that they can have a better life even in ETERNITY”

Matthew 1:21-23


Did You Know?

Christmas, It Is Christ To The Mass

X in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry is used to express an UNKNOWN VARIABLE, So, why are you still using the word X-MAS to celebrate a KNOWN Everlasting Father, who’s very CAPABLE? X in marking answer booklets means WRONG or ERROR. So, why are you still using the word X-MAS to celebrate a *RIGHTEOUS & ERROLESS GOD? X on a Cartesian graph is represented to be below. So, why are you still using the word X-MAS for a God who’s the MOST HIGH?

1 Corinthians 10:31


Did You Know?

Everyone Has A Job To Be Done

The primary role of Mary was to make sure the UNBORN CHILD was born comfortable in the womb and also bringing the child safely into this world. The primary role of Joseph was to take care of Mary and preventing her from having any form of miscarriage, protecting and transporting Mary and the child away from The Herodian Kings. The primary role of God The Father was to put an end to the Herodian Kings.”

Matthew 2:13-16


Did You Know?

It Wasn’t That Easy For Joseph Too

“Till today, everyone is really commending Mary more than Joseph so much because she gave birth to Jesus. Which is very wrong. If Joseph wasn’t an understanding husband to accept a baby not of his own, the Arrival of Jesus would have been at stake. Moreover, Joseph was legally married to Mary, but he had to refrain the urge for his own virgin wife for a period, so that the birth of Jesus will come to pass.”_

Matthew 1:18-25


Did You Know?

“Jesus didn’t only come to make us safe; He also came to make us dangerous to the powers and the kingdom of darkness.”

Ephesians 6:10-18


Did You Know?

“A church with a good SOUND SYSTEM without a SOUND DOCTRINE, is not different from a lecture room.”

2 Timothy 4:3


Did You Know?

The Baby’s Name Has Already Been Fixed, But Not The Mother’s Name

“A very good example of the difference between GOD’S WILL and GOD’S GRACE is that; It is GOD’S WILL that Jesus MUST(COMPULSORILY) come through a VIRGIN. But it is GOD’S GRACE that Jesus SHOULD(FAVOURED) come through VIRGIN MARY.”

Isaiah 7:14


Did You Know?

The Pendulum Transaction

⭐ “The Birth Of Jesus Christ brought God to man.☄️⬇️
1 Timothy 3:16

⭐ “The Death Of Jesus Christ brought man back to God.🚀⬆️”
1 Peter 3:18


Did You Know?

Jesus Birth Is As Important As His Death

“To get to the Book of REVELATION, which is the CONCLUSION, you must first open to the Book of GENESIS, which is the INTRODUCTION Jesus’ DEATH would have never been possible without His BIRTH. That’s why Jesus was BORN to live, in order to DIE!”

Matthew 1:21


Did You Know?

“When Adam fell, the connection between God to Man became FARAWAY. God offered His only Begotten Son as a GIVEAWAY, so that you’ll not become a CASTAWAY. He was born to give us eternal life, as our own TAKEAWAY, so that sin will not make us stinky like an abandoned SOAKAWAY”

John 3:16


Did You Know?

“When Adam fell, the connection between God to Man became FARAWAY. God offered His only Begotten Son as a GIVEAWAY, so that you’ll not become a CASTAWAY. He was born to give us eternal life, as our own TAKEAWAY, so that sin will not make us stinky like an abandoned SOAKAWAY”

John 3:16


Did You Know?

Let’s Brag About The Creator

“The baby boy that was born in a manger 2,000 years ago, is now the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the King who was never ENTHRONED, yet, He can never be DETHRONED, He’s the EL-SHADDAI who cannot DIE, He’s the ADONAI, who’s the Most HIGH, He’s the ELYON, in whom you can ever RELY ON*m, He’s the ELOHIM, but it’s a pity that some still don’t know HIM”

Isaiah 9:6


Did You Know?

Get On Your Knees!

“A woman’s heart should be very close to God, that a man should have to chase God to find her. Probably, one of the reasons why most men get on their knees to put a ring unto her finger, is because they see that woman’s heart already burning for God. Moses saw the burning bush and he had to immediately get on his knees.”

Proverbs 11:16a


Did You Know?

Get On Your Knees!

“A woman’s heart should be very close to God, that a man should have to chase God to find her. Probably, one of the reasons why most men get on their knees to put a ring unto her finger, is because they see that woman’s heart already burning for God. Moses saw the burning bush and he had to immediately get on his knees.”

Proverbs 11:16a


Did You Know?

“The Church should be safe and comfortable for saints, and as well SINNERS, but the Church should be uncomfortable to accommodate SINS.”

Matthew 9:10-13